All lines to connect cold water have been installed. "SOVELMASH" D&E construction

📌All lines to connect cold water have been installed | "Sovelmash" D&E construction
The main news for today from the "Sovelmash" construction site in a new video.
Wells have been installed at the main entrance to the building, the ground has been levelled, the geotextile has been installed, and backfilling with sand has been carried out. This area will subsequently be covered with crushed stone and ready for asphalt paving.
A chamber has been installed to supply water to the building. Cold water supply is being connected to enable the fire safety system to operate.
The grounding work is nearing completion. To the right of the building, preparations are underway to accept asphalt concrete.
Outside the construction site, the excavation work is being carried out to connect the heating pipeline.
Concrete bedding and waterproofing have been completed, trays are being installed, and pipes are being removed from the territory of "Sovelmash". Very soon the heating line will be looped and hot water will be supplied.
All the lines have been connected to provide cold water supply.
The sanitary and storm water sewer wells are now located quite high above ground level - this entire area will be filled with sand.
The heating line is brought inside the building. All the equipment of the heat distribution station, once welded and piped, will provide the building with heat.
The heat supply line is being installed in the O&A, too. The power supply system is distributed to the premises.
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