1/2 A total of 1,808,657.96 $Pi were transferred between 8,189 #PiWallets, 9,513.177 $Pi were transacted on @pichainmall in 3,463 transactions having an average of 2.75 $Pi/tx and a total of 7,580 #NewPiWallets were created in the past 24hrs from Blockheight #5161970 to #5178370.
1/2 A total of 1,808,657.96 $Pi were transferred between 8,189 #PiWallets, 9,513.177 $Pi were transacted on @pichainmall in 3,463 transactions having an average of 2.75 $Pi/tx and a total of 7,580 #NewPiWallets were created in the past 24hrs from Blockheight #5161970 to #5178370.