ExplorePi showed 8,525,837 Pi wallets holding less than 10 $Pi equivalence 82.6% of all Mainnet migrated Pioneers. $Pi price must be really high to create circulation of goods in #PiNetwork Ecosystem. Let see $Pi price when PCT announces 100 apps & global Open Mainnet.
ExplorePi showed 8,525,837 Pi wallets holding less than 10 $Pi equivalence 82.6% of all Mainnet migrated Pioneers. $Pi price must be really high to create circulation of goods in #PiNetwork Ecosystem. Let see $Pi price when PCT announces 100 apps & global Open Mainnet.
ExplorePi showed 8,525,837 Pi wallets holding less than 10 $Pi equivalence 82.6% of all Mainnet migrated Pioneers. $Pi price must be really high to create circulation of goods in #PiNetwork Ecosystem. Let see $Pi price when PCT announces 100 apps & global Open Mainnet.