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Future dream home.Future dream home.Please log in to like, share and comment!
Walang Goreng New35.45πMakanan khas Gunungkidul YogyakartaMakanan khas Gunungkidul Yogyakarta
Good afternoon! Wishing you a wonderful and energetic day afternoon! Let Pi Network motivate you for the new week and explore new opportunities. Hope everything goes smoothly and successfully in all your plans!Good afternoon! Wishing you a wonderful and energetic day afternoon! Let Pi Network motivate you for the new week and explore new opportunities. Hope everything goes smoothly and successfully in all your plans!
Perubahan technology digital web 3.0 & system keuangan global akan segera terjadi.Read more
Sudah siapkah anda??
#web3 #blockchain #pinetwork #pitogoPerubahan technology digital web 3.0 & system keuangan global akan segera terjadi. Sudah siapkah anda?? WEB 3.0 ADALAH MASA DEPAN ERA DIGITAL CURRENCY YANG MASIH KOKOH DENGAN EGO NYA. GOODBY SAYONARA URRAAA #web3 #blockchain #pinetwork #pitogo -
Essential reminderRead more
Complete your Mainnet Checklist steps to migrate to Mainnet if you’ve completed KYC! Passing KYC alone will not enable the migration process yet because Pioneers still need to set up and confirm their wallet (and store the passphrase safely), sign the Token Acknowledgement, and finish any other steps on the Mainnet Checklist. Migration will be enabled only when the checklist steps are fully completed. All other steps can be completed even before KYC. No reason to wait on these steps especially after completing KYC, given the Grace Period deadlines. Migrate your Pi to Mainnet as soon as possible to avoid forfeiture and to use your Pi with others before and after Open Network.Essential reminder Complete your Mainnet Checklist steps to migrate to Mainnet if you’ve completed KYC! Passing KYC alone will not enable the migration process yet because Pioneers still need to set up and confirm their wallet (and store the passphrase safely), sign the Token Acknowledgement, and finish any other steps on the Mainnet Checklist. Migration will be enabled only when the checklist steps are fully completed. All other steps can be completed even before KYC. No reason to wait on these steps especially after completing KYC, given the Grace Period deadlines. Migrate your Pi to Mainnet as soon as possible to avoid forfeiture and to use your Pi with others before and after Open Network. -
Pi network Indonesia , go to open network. #blockchain #web3 #pinetwork #pitogo
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