
Welcome to join the SOLARGROUP team


​​📌Welcome to join the SOLARGROUP team 


Interested in working for a dream company? Have strengths, but haven't had a chance to prove yourself until now? 


We invite you to do it right now! 


International financial company SOLARGROUP is seeking candidates for the positions of Sales Manager and Methodologist & Assistant to the Head of Partner Network. With us, everyone has a chance to bring out their finest qualities. 


Sales Manager is a specialist for working with customers in Russian, German, English, French, and Spanish. This opportunity is for you if you speak Russian fluently and are proficient in one of the listed languages. If you already have experience in active sales, and the ability to listen and make decisions quickly is your strength, then you are definitely our candidate! 


Sales Manager in our company will be expected to actively communicate with customers in our customer base, sell investment financial products and prolong existing customer contracts. As well as initial training, daily language practice and comfortable remote work from anywhere in the world. In addition to your salary, you will earn a high percentage from sales. We are looking forward to seeing you for an interview to tell you more! 


Methodologist & Assistant to the Head of Partner Network is a specialist in creating and implementing tools, materials, training, motivating and encouraging partners to grow sales. This opportunity is for you if: 


✅ you have organisational experience, e.g. as an assistant, marketing manager, project manager, methodologist; 

✅ your strengths include the ability to gather and analyse information quickly, to plan and prioritise; 

✅ you have already had to draw up detailed terms of reference and hand them over to the responsible persons for execution; 

✅ you are responsive and able to make quick decisions when situations change. 


Methodologist & Assistant will have to create new tools and methodological materials for training, work and incentive systems for partners. As well as update and implement ready-made tools. Your team comprises partners from 200 countries! Every day will be interesting. Besides, you will enjoy a comfortable remote working format and high bonuses based on your performance. We'll be happy to share more details during the interview! 


Send your CV to our HR specialist in Telegram or by email: @Svetlana_Grinkova, [email protected]. And share the job postings with your friends and former colleagues. 


We will be happy to have you on the team!

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