Pioneers are getting a little crazy after IOU projections dropped. [They are ONLY projections, derivatives, FAKE coins]. WE AS PIONEERS WILL CONTINUE TO SET THE UPCOMING FMV (fair market value). Development sometimes takes longer than people expect. Pi Network is a one-of-a-kind, historically, huge project.
Did you realize took 6 years to finish the first railroad? 2 yrs for 1 1/2 miles of rough MT. pass. Most thought it would never be finished yet it transformed history economy and the world.
Pioneers are getting a little crazy after IOU projections dropped. [They are ONLY projections, derivatives, FAKE coins]. WE AS PIONEERS WILL CONTINUE TO SET THE UPCOMING FMV (fair market value). Development sometimes takes longer than people expect. Pi Network is a one-of-a-kind, historically, huge project. Did you realize took 6 years to finish the first railroad? 2 yrs for 1 1/2 miles of rough MT. pass. Most thought it would never be finished yet it transformed history economy and the world.
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