
Here you can view all Cars that have been published, edit them, and you can also perform Bulk Actions such as Deleting Cars. You can search for Cars using different pieces of information such as Name, Category, etc.

1. Creating a Car

In order to create a new Car, navigate to Vendor Dashboard > Manage Car > Add Car. Once you are in the Car Creation page, you will need to fill in the following information:

- Title: This should be a descriptive title that will help Google to find your Car easily.

- Content: This should be a detailed description of the Car.

- Youtube Video: This should be a good quality video that will be displayed on the Car's banner.

- FAQs (Optional): This is an optional field where you can provide commonly asked questions from customers.

- Car's Photo: There should be a featured image that will be displayed in the Car listing, as well as a banner image and gallery to display on the Car Detail page.

- Extra Information: You can provide extra information such as passenger capacity, gear shift, baggage capacity, and door number.

a. Car Location

When creating a Car, you will need to provide a Location for the Car, as well as the real tour address.

b. Availability Calendar for Car

When creating a Car, you can set its Availability in two ways:

- Always Available: This is a normal tour and you can easily update its price.

- Only Available on Specific Dates: This is an advanced feature and the purpose of the calendar is to set prices for special dates. All prices set in the Tour content will not be updated in the Calendar and you will need to set prices directly in the Calendar.

2. Availability

Once you have filled out all the required information, save your car, then navigate to Vendor Dashboard > Manage Car > Availability, and add prices by Date. You will also need to specify the number of Cars available in a day, and whether they are available for booking or not.