Calling all travel related businesses, pioneers interested in representing Pitogo, #pioneers, #pinetwork, we will be having a live discussion about our Local Representative Program. See you on thePitogo travel channel in the pichats! tomorrow 5pm EAT; 9pm Indochina time, 11pm South Korean time. Again it is in the pi app chats, thepitogo travel channel. See you all and thank you for your support
Calling all travel related businesses, pioneers interested in representing Pitogo, #pioneers, #pinetwork, we will be having a live discussion about our Local Representative Program. See you on thePitogo travel channel in the pichats! tomorrow 5pm EAT; 9pm Indochina time, 11pm South Korean time. Again it is in the pi app chats, thepitogo travel channel. See you all and thank you for your support 🙏💗